Thursday, January 03, 2013

Word for the Year: Deliberate

Happy New Year from the Moores!

I am a bit behind on my blogging – okay, a LOT behind. December was a truly insane month for me. Not including normal driving, I managed to log 3,294 miles. According to Google maps I spent 52 hours in the car. I'm sure with a toddler in tow it was much longer. I am ready for a break.

I hope to catch up on my blogging, but getting my house in order and wrapping up a freelance project are my main focus right now. Bear with me, I know many family members are anxious to see pics from all of our travels.

For the past several years, instead of writing resolutions on January 1st, I have focused on choosing a word that would represent a theme for the coming year. I like this tradition better than making resolutions that I know that I will struggle to keep.

I am a few days behind, but the word that I would like to focus on in 2013 is deliberate:
carefully weighed; studied; intentional; unhurried: to consider; to think carefully or attentively; or to reflect
I don't regret all of the things we did this past year, but I feel an intense need to slow down. To be in the present. This last year I experienced the loss of a grandfather and a grandfather figure, as well as a friend. I think loss of any kind makes you want to slow down. Likewise, the insane traveling of December is enough to make anyone {besides a travel-happy college student} want to slow down. 

I used to feel out of sorts if I didn't keep up with my emails; or my Google Reader; or if I didn't blog often; or read a book once a week... I am letting it all go. 

The past month has forced me to be more intentional and I haven't regretted slowing down. 

Jack needs my attention. He is walking now. He gives tight hugs around the neck when you ask him. He chatters away, mostly recently he loves to shout: Cee. We're pretty sure he is saying my name. I don't want to miss these sweet moments with my boy or my family because of TV or the internet or things that are unimportant. I want to be deliberate about my life. 

Words from previous years: 
Fortitude {2010}  ~ Adaptation {2011} ~ Patience {2012}

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